Thursday, August 16, 2007

New friends, new beginnings.

I'm having a hard time keeping the smile off my face today. Maybe it's because I have a new friend, and maybe it's because I know I'm seeing that new friend in a couple days. It's going to make tomorrow at work a lot easier, that's for sure. And it's going to make sitting through that damned staff meeting a lot easier. It's just amazing how some people can be in your life for long periods of time and make no difference at all, and others can be in your life for such a short period of time, and make all the difference in the world.

I'm taking everything with a grain of salt, of course, and if anything I'll just have a friend for life. But the way things are going so far, and the feelings I'm getting... Are totally different from anything I've felt before. So... Who knows. We'll see. But for now? I'm happy. Which is a huge step in the right direction.

Friday, August 10, 2007


So I decided to get a Blogger account. No, not because Stewart and Danielle have one, but because things in my life seem to be changing directions. Not drastically, but I've been with LiveJournal for almost 5 or 6 years now, and things are getting pretty shaky over there. I'd like a place to fall back on, and even though I've still got a ton of friends and people I communicate with over there, it's nice to know I've got another place to speak my mind. I do have a Vox, for some reason (possibly because they're also a SixApart brainchild) it doesn't strike my fancy.

Things are going pretty well. I did get called into work today, but I had to say no because I'm still watching my coworker's dogs/house, and I work the weekend. True, I'm at home right now, but if you saw the house and met the dogs, you'd understand. Plus, steaks on the barbie and classic corn and bacon? How can I resist that? Come on.

Coworker B told me the other day that she'd have a room for rent at her house within the next 6 months, and if I want it, it's mine. Coworker S would also be moving in. But... I don't know. I told her I'd think about it, so it's still a maybe. It'd definitely be closer to work, but I'd like something really stable, and I have a feeling that it wouldn't be. Who knows.

I guess that's it for my first post. Woo!